telegram bio: नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज मैं आपको कुछ Telegram Bios के बारे में बताऊंगा जिसे पढ़कर आप बहुत खुश होंगे, इस पोस्ट में, मैं आपको अलग-अलग Categories वाले Telegram Bios के बारे में बताऊंगा इसलिए अगर आप भी Telegram Bios के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो यह पोस्ट आप के लिए है, और आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ सकते हैं।
Latest Telegram Bio – अगर आप Telegram के लिए टेलीग्राम या टेलीग्राम बायो में telegram bio, Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आपको इस पोस्ट को अंत तक फॉलो करना चाहिए क्योंकि यहां आपको कई बेहतरीन टेलीग्राम बायो मिलेंगे। जिसे आप अपने Telegram Bio, Cool Telegram Bios में Copy और Paste कर सकते हैं।
Latest Telegram Bio

- I am cool but global warming made me hot.💙
- Netflix,✍️ youtube,✍️ food,✍️ my bed,✍️ Perfection.💙
- Making History.💙
- I’m on energy-saving mode.💙
- Success is in my blood.💙
- Problem solver.💙 Social media fanatic.💙 Passionate travel guru.💙
- Swag By grace through faith.💙 Beautiful.💙
- Keeping it simple and living life with zero regrets.💙
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.💙
- I want a cute,✍️ long relationship where everyone will say damn they’re still together?
- Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.💙
- I’ve fallen in love many times always with you.💙
- Eat…sleep….💙regret…repeat.💙
- Someday,✍️ there’s going to be an updated version of me.💙
- We live in a society where pizza gets into our house before the police.💙
Telegram Good Bios
- If I delete your number,🔵 you’re basically deleted from my life.🔴
- One tequila,🟡 two tequila,🟡 floor.🔴
- Why look up at the stars when the biggest star is me.😍
- Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my bio.🔴
- Life is dumb and I want to sleep.🔴
- Spreading smiles.🔴
- Life F$@ks me,🟠 now it’s my turn.😍
- Bob the builder fixing my attitude.🔴
- Don’t follow me b’coz I don’t know where I am going.🔴
- I ‘m busy on Instagram but you do something useful.🔴
- The thermometer is not the only thing in the world having degrees without brains.🔴 Hurray,🟡 at last,🔵 I got my degree.🔴 Graduated.🔴
- The best $$ of me is yet to come.🔴
- I rate myself 10/10 b’coz I am too basic.🔴
- Reality is finally better than your dreams.😍
- Trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.🔴
Read more: Punjabi Bio For Instagram
Bio For Telegram
- Error 400: Bio unavailable.🔴
- One person’s #LOL is another’s #WTF.🔴
- I am known at the gym by my “before picture.🔴”
- If you don’t mind,🟡 it doesn’t matter #LoL.🔴
- Love may be blind,🟠 but marriage is a real eye-opener @-@.🔴
- Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.😍
- I have to be funny because being hot is not in my dictionary.🔴
- Worst two minutes of my life when I tried to be normal.🔴
- I am half-sane and sleep-deprived.😍
- I changed my password to ‘incorrect.🔴’ Now,🔵 my password is incorrect.🔴
- You need to press that follow button to know my story.🔴
- Following me is a dream for many.🔴 Try yourself
- I am on a journey of life.🔴 Wanna come? Agg!🟢 Press that follow button then.🔴
- Following me is easy,🟡 unfollowing me is impossible.🔴
- Turn that blue follow button to white.🔴
Motivational Bio For Telegram
- Every New Day Is Another Chance To Change Your Life.
- Achieve Your Goals Step By Step So That Your Success Lasts For Longer.
- Smart Work Can Sometimes Pay You More Than Hard Work.
- Life Is A Matter Of Change Is Not A Matter Of Choice.
- Don’t Try To Be Perfect. Just Try To Be Better Than You Were Yesterday.
- Don’t Limit Your Challenges, Challenge Your Limits.
- Take Deep Breath And Start Again.
- Telegram bio with emoji
- Set Your Goals High And Do Not Stop Till You Get There.
- Learn To Accept Your Mistakes And Get Forward With Your Life.
- Don’t Be Afraid To Give Up The Good And Go For Great.
- Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams.
- Defeat Your Enemies With Your Success.
- The Power Of Imagination Makes Us Infinite.
- If You Start Delaying Things, Even Your Success Gets Delayed.
- I Will Success In Life Not Immediately But Definitely.
- Hustle And Stay Motivated, Consistency Is The Key.
- Hard Work Is Never Lost.
- Failures Are Temporary, But Success Is Permanent..
- Never Give Up. Great Things Take Time.
- Do Not Let Your Age Set A Limit To Your Goals.
Awesome Telegram Bios
- I am just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away,🟡 but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit
- Silence is the most powerful scream
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken
- Sometimes you don’t realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory
- Every time I see you I fall in love all over again
- telegram bio for boy hindi
- If life is not smiling at you,🔵 give it a good tickling
- Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies
- If life gives you lemons,🟡 make a margarita
- There are no rainbows without rain,😍 no stars without darkness
- A King only bows down to his Queen
- I have enough shoes,🟠 said no one ever
- I never met a French fry I didn’t like
- Be like a pineapple: stand tall,🟡 wear a crown and be sweet in the inside
- Rain is like confetti falling from the sky
- You are enough
- The greater the storm,🔵 the brighter, stylish and the rainbow
- You can’t spell awesome without ME
- Today’s mood is brought to you by coffee and lipstick
- Behind every girl’s favorite song,🔵 is an untold story
- I’m a girl.🔴.Don’t touch my hair,🟠 face,😍 phone,🟡 or boyfriend
- I dress up to stare at my reflection when I walk past store windows
- The hardest thing I ever tried was being normal
Best Bio For Telegram
- Be true to yourself.
- Life can be tough—coffee helps.
- Stop and smell the flowers.
- I get it from my mama.
- Fabulous ends in “us.
- Be 🍁ing in myself.
- 🧂but 🍬
- telegram bio in hindi
- 🍫🍫🍫. That’s it. That’s the bio.
- I’m in 🔋saving mode.
- It’s a good day to have a good day.
- Time is precious—waste it wisely.
- Don’t be afraid to shine.
- Obsessed with tacos 🌮
- Keeping it 💯
- If we’re not supposed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?
- Bacon, egg, and cheese aficionado.
- Taki’s or don’t talk to me.
- My life with the 🐶🐕
- The world is 📚. Let’s read them together.
- Paradise found 🌴
- Sweet like 🍯.
- You know I’m a 🌟
- 🌹colored glasses
- Catch ✈️ not 😢
- Welcome to my 👑dom.
- Traveler ✈️ Book Lover 📖 Obsessed with cheese 🧀.
- L💖VE is in the air.
- Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog.
- Say cheese.
- 👇 Check out my life👇
- L❤️ ver not a fighter spreading ✌️ all over the 🌎.
- 🐦: (Twitter handle) 👻: (Snapchat handle) 🎥: (YouTube handle)
- Made in 🇬🇧.
- 99% ☕️.
- Equal parts 💄 and 💪.
- It’s the attitude for me.
- Creating a life I love.
- Make every day magical.
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Cool Telegram Bios
In this post, you have been given for Attitude Bio For Telegram For Boy, as well as in this you have been given many types of new telegram bio for Attitude Bio For Telegram For Girl.
In today’s time, almost everyone uses telegram app and everyone wants to make their profile very beautiful and good, then you can use attitude telegram bio for your profile. Whether it is Boy or Girl, both like attitude bio for telegram.
So in this post I have given the list of all latest attitude telegram bio, Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas, telegram bio, Cool Telegram Bios. In this website you have been given almost all teleram attitude bio in hindi. So let’s know about it.
- These are the days we live for
- Life is like a box of chocolates
- Gone wild for a while
- Watching sunsets not Netflix
- telegram bio for medical students
- Sweeter than honey
- This account is proof that I can take photos
- Life is a like a balloon,🟡 if you don’t let go you will never know how far it can rise
- To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid
- Recovering ice-cream addict
- Life is too short for bad coffee
- Monday is so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday
- There,🟡 I joined Instagram,🔵 now what?
- Under construction,🟠 come back soon
- Don’t follow me because I don’t know where I am going
- I always learn from the mistakes of others who take my advice
- My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat
- I’m not short,🟡 I’m just more down to earth than other people
- I prefer my puns intended
- I wonder what happens when the doctor’s wife eats an apple a day
- It is wine o’clock somewhere!🟢
- This is the account of a caffeine dependent life-form
- Never argue with an idiot they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you through experience
- I only use Instagram to stalk
- Your vibe attracts your tribe
- Hey I just met you and this is crazy
- Everyday is Friday if you want it to be
Short Bio For Telegram
- Catch me on Sims.
- Socially awkward and ready to party.
- Making history.
- Daydream believer.
- Just a gal with a lot of spice.
- So far, so good.
- Telegram bio with emoji
- Happy stalking!
- Fake it til you make it.
- This is the story of my life.
- Meet (name).
- This is me.
- Welcome to my world.
- Thanks for checking in!
- Stay weird.
- Hot and dangerous.
- Party this way.
- The man, the myth, the legend.
- It’s me. I am the moment.
- Are you ready for this?
- My beautiful crazy life.
- Dogs are my favorite people.
- Living my best life.
- Me doing me.
- telegram bio for love
- But first, a selfie.
- I’m all about canceled plans.
- Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.
- My standards are high… just like my heels.
- Risk taker. Adventurer.
- All I do is win.
- Thank you, come again.
- Keepin’ it real since 2000.
- This is me.
- Busy doing hot girl stuff.
- Happy and sad at the time.
- Who runs the world? ME.
- Living life on my own terms.
- My lipstick always matches my mood.
- I woke up like this.
- Hey now, hey now!
- A human. Being.
- Anything but predictable.
Top Telegram Bios
- I’ll never try to fit in.🔴 I was born to Stand out
- Wake up with determination.😍 Go to bed with satisfaction
- Be the best possible version of yourself
- The three most important words are Yes,🟡 I can
- Be the type of person that you want to meet
- You may see me struggle,🔵 but you’ll never see me quit
- I turned my Cant’s into Cans & my Dreams into Plans
- When life gets blurry adjust your focus
- Making mistakes is better than faking perfections
- A mistake which makes you humble is much better than an achievement that makes you arrogant
- telegram bio, Cool Telegram Bios
- Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theres
- We can easily forgive a child who is afriad of the dark,🟡 the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light
- Telegram bio for girls
- I didn’t fail the test,🟠 I just found 100 ways to do it wrong
- Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans
- It is never too late to be what you might have been
- They used to shout my name,🟡 now they whisper it
- It always seems impossible until it’s done
- Life is not a problem to be solved,🟡 but a reality to be experienced
- The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters
- (…) Accomplishments rarely sat back and let things happen to them.🔴 They went out and happened to things.🔴
- This is a wonderful day,🔵 and I have never seen this one before
- Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.🔴
- Beauty is power,🟡 a smile is its sword.🔴
- This picture is my autobiography.😍
- It is not how much we have,🟡 but how much we enjoy,🟡 that makes happiness.🔴
- Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas
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Creative Telegram Bios
- Bad choices make good stories
- Food before dudes
- Eat,🟡 tan,🟡 sleep,🟠 repeat
- This is my pretty hungry face
- You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach
- I’m on a seafood diet.🔴 I see food,🟡 and I eat it.🔴
- Nothing is really lost until your mom can’t find it
- I think I’m allergic to mornings
- Go where you feel more alive.🔴
- telegram bio for boy hindi
- Not all those who wander are lost
- There’s no wifi in the forest but you’ll find a better connection.🔴
- I love places that make you realize how small you really are.🔴
- Life should have more mountains and less stress.🔴
- I’ll be right back,🟠 I am just exploring the world.😍
- If it doesn’t challenge you,🔵 it doesn’t change you.🔴
- Be the reason someone smiles today
- We have nothing to lose and a world to see.🔴
- Don’t call it a dream,🟡 call it a plan.🔴
- Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else.🔴
- Never get so busy making a living that you forget to live your life
- These are the days we live for.🔴
- Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas
- People forget years and remember moments.🔴
- When your life is in black and white,🟡 make sure you dream in color
- Life’s short,🟡 make every hair flip count.😍
- You were my cup of tea but I drink wine now.😍
- Life isn’t perfect,🟠 but your outfit can be.🔴
- It’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly
- She says nothing when she wants to say everything.🔴
Swag Telegram Bios
आप में से बहुत से लोग टेलीग्राम प्रोफाइल बायो को बहुत ढूंढ रहे होंगे, इसलिए मैंने आप लोगों के लिए इस नए टेलीग्राम बायो की एक सूची अंग्रेजी में बनाई है। जिसमें लगभग हर तरह के नए टेलीग्राम बायो, telegram bio, Cool Telegram Bios, Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas की लिस्ट दी गई है जो आपको बहुत पसंद आएगी।
इसमें आपको कई तरह की टेलीग्राम आईडी बायो मिलेगी जैसे टेलीग्राम के लिए एटिट्यूड बायो, टेलीग्राम के लिए स्वैग टेलीग्राम बायो, telegram bio for students आदि। जो इस पोस्ट को इतना अच्छा और बेहतरीन बनाता है। तो आइए जानते हैं बायो टेलीग्राम के बारे में।
- Your potential is endless.🔴
- Smile,🟡 it confuses people.🔴
- The best thing I ever did was believe in me.🔴
- Be who you needed when you were younger
- Believe in your selfie.🔴
- Behind every great selfie there is always a better husband of Instagram.🔴
- Maybe I was born like this,🟠 maybe I had to use 2 apps and a filter 🙂
- Be the best version of you.🔴
- Cool Telegram Bios, Latest Telegram Bio
- Your best teacher is your last mistake.🔴
- It is not the mountain we conquer,🟡 but ourselves.🔴
- I am cool but global warming made me hot.🔴
- Netflix,🟡 youtube,🟡 food,🔵 my bed,🟡 Perfection.🔴
- Making History.🔴
- I’m on energy saving mode.🔴
- telegram bio for medical students
- Success is in my blood.🔴
- Problem solver.🔴 Social media fanatic.😍 Passionate travel guru.🔴
- By grace through faith.🔴 Beautiful.🔴
- Keeping it simple and living life with zero regrets.🔴
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.🔴
- I want a cute,🟠 long relationship where everyone will say damn they’re still together?
- Just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin.🔴
- I’ve fallen in love many times always with you.🔴
- Eat…sleep….🔴regret…repeat.🔴
- Someday,🟡 there’s going to be an updated version of me.🔴
- We live in a society where pizza gets into our house before the police.🔴
- If I delete your number,🔵 you’re basically deleted from my life.🔴
- One tequila,🟡 two tequila,🟡 floor.😍
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Aesthetic Telegram Bios
- I have to be funny because being hot is not in my dictionary.🔴
- Worst two minutes of my life when I tried to be normal.🔴
- I am half-sane and sleep deprived.🔴
- Insert your bio here.🔴
- My bio is stolen.🔴 Please help me to find it.😍
- Just look at me.🔴 God is too creative.🔴
- Passing my time writing a bio.🔴
- I’m not special,🟡 I’m limited edition.🔴
- When nothing seems right….🔴go left!🟢!🟢 LOL
- You can’t process me with a normal brain b’coz I am too mad.🔴
- I am born at a very young age.🔴
- I am living a caffeine dependent life form.🔴
- Why are you reading my bio???
- When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,🔵 then show life that you have thousand reasons to smile.🔴
- telegram bio vip
- telegram bio, Cool Telegram Bios
- It’s not about the destination.🔴 It’s about the journey.🔴 Enjoy your ride.🔴
- Simplicity is the key to brilliance.🔴
- The happiest people make best out of everything.🔴
- They cry because they have been strong for too long.🔴
- Life is better when you are laughing.🔴
- Better an oops than a what if.🔴
- Don’t be afraid to be the full package.😍
- Make peace and keep on.🔴
- Ice cream is cheaper than therapy.🔴
- Don’t be racist,🟡 hate everyone.🔴
- My blood is made of coffee.🔴
- Perfect has 7 letters and so does meeeeeee.🔴 Coincidence? I think not.🔴
- Let Fools Chase The World.🔴😍 I only want you s:
Funny Telegram Bios
- CGPA available for adoption… can’t raise it myself.🔴
- I’ll be yours forever,🔵 just tell me when to start.🔴
- I can quote (Insert motion picture) superior to anything you and every one of your companions.🔴
- Sarcasm falls out of my mouth,🟡 just like stupid falls from yours
- I’m cool,🟡 but global warming made me HOT.🔴
- flip the coin.🔴. head I am yours,🟠 tail you are mine.😍
- Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.🔴
- I have not lost my brain – its moved down on HD some place.🔴
- telegram bio in hindi
- I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day
- Everyone is beautiful in their own way because God makes no mistakes.🔴
- Warning…l know KARATE And few other oriental words.🔴
- Oh,🟡 So your manna argue,🔵 Bring it.🔴 I got my CAPS LOCK ON.🔴
- I trust one day I cherish something the route ladies in plugs love yogurt
- People of my age are busy with Relation,🟡 break up,⚪️ heart break,🟡 patch
- Contributing to entropy since 1994
- REHAB is for quitters !🟢
- Uncovered.🔴 Regularly Unreliable.🔴 Effectively distract
- Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas !🟢!⚪️
- When life gets tough,🟡 always remember that you were the strongest sperm.🔴
- I used to be an atheist,🔵 But then I realised I’m God.🔴
- Try not to think for a brief moment that I really mind what you need to say
- Battery about to die,🟠 I am about to live !🟢
- Simple during childbirth,🟡 computerized by outline
- I was dependent on hokey pokey yet I turned myself around
- Travelling the world lets me discover myself.🔴
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Attitude Telegram Bios
- Being Alive is being Offline!🟢
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away,🟡 but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit.🔴
- Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy,🟡 but the bible says love your enemy.⚪️
- Don’t invest emotions,🟠 Love is a depreciating asset
- Telegram bio with emoji
- Hey there!🟢 Instagram is using my Internet Data Balance
- I am not fat,🟡 I am just.🔴 Easier to see.🔴
- Silence is the most powerful scream.⚪️
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.🔴
- People say nothing is impossible,🟠 but I do nothing every day.🔴
- Amigo,🟡 would you be able to ideal model?
- I’m truly a titan cupcake.🔴 Perplexed about crazy rides and dry ice
- Treat each day as your last; one day you will be right.⚪️
- I’ll hit you so hard even GOOGLE wan’t able to find you.😍
- Distance is suck… My mum is so far away from kitchen :-/
- Latest Telegram Bio, Telegram Bio Ideas
- telegram bio for love
- You’re beautiful until your Photoshop 30 day trial has gone.⚪️
- Life on earth is expensive,🟡 but it includes a free trip around the sun.🔴
- God gave me a lot of hair,🔵 but not a lot of height
- I’m not a complete idiot; some parts are missing.🔴
- I learn from the mistakes of others to whom I have given advice to.😍
- I tried to be normal.🔴 Worst two minutes of my life.⚪️
- Remember it’s just a bad day,🟡 not a bad life.🔴
- Falling in love is not a choice.🔴 Staying in love is.🔴
- Work for 5 days to live 2 days.⚪️
- Don’t kiss behind the garden,🟠 Love is blind but the neighbors are not.🔴
- I’m beginning to like Instagram,🔵 which is unusual on the grounds that I loathe pictures.🔴
- Time flies… after you hit the snooze button
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.🔴
- Let me hurt your face,🟡 maybe I got a little relief by doing this.🔴
- Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.⚪️
- Nothing in the world is free,🟡 even Santa comes with a ‘Clause’.🔴
- I’m not happy its Friday I’m happy its Today.😍 Love your life 7 days a week.🔴
- I don’t have much to give you.🔴 I’m not a rich man.⚪️ What I can promise is that everything I do will be for you,🔵 always.🔴
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Gorgeous Telegram Bios
- I don’t discriminate.🔴 I hate everyone equally
- I am who I am,🟠 Your approval is not needed.🔴
- Telegram bio for boys
- I smile …Because I don’t know WHAT THE HELL is going on.⚪️
- The question isn’t who is going to let me; It’s who is going to stop me.🔴
- Presently meeting expectations towards a MBA with an accentuation in dream football
- I don’t insult people,🟡 I just describe them.⚪️
- Of all the things I have lost ,🔵 I miss my mind the most.🔴
- I’m going to update my status….🔴but better you focus on your own.🔴
- Looking for rest,🟡 rational soundness,🟡 & The Shire
- Fabulous ends in us.🔴 Coincidence? I think not.⚪️
- You have to sift through a lot of gold to find my dirt.🔴
- Chocolate doesn’t make inquiries,🟠 chocolate gets it
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.🔴
- God favor this chaotic situation
- 3 things I want in a relationship: Eyes that wont cry,🟡 lips than wont lie,🟡 and love that wont die.🔴
- While heaven must surely mourn the loss of one of its own,🟡 we mere mortals celebrate your grace.🔴
- Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people.🔴
- Acts like summer & walks like rain
- Telegram bio for girls
- Stop !🟢 Status under construction: D
- Everyone on this earth is self-centered,🟠 the difference is the radius
- I have to be funny because being hot is not an option.🔴
- My one more password got married yesterday.🔴
- Born to express,🟡 not to impress.🔴
- I am nobody.🔴 Nobody is perfect.⚪️ Therefore,🟡 I am perfect!🟢
- Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.⚪️
- One day your life will flash before your eyes.🔴 Make sure it’s worth watching.🔴
- Conceived at an exceptionally youthful age
- the first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest.🔴
Superb Telegram Bios
What to write in Telegram Bio? You can add any status in Hindi or English as per your wish on Telegram’s Bio, telegram bio, Cool Telegram Bios. If you don’t understand? So now we are sharing with you some of the best Telegram Hindi Status which you can put in your Bio.
- I’m a Texan with bunches of sentiments and beautiful hair.😍
- Outdoors is purposes
- Telegram bio for boys
- When I write Etc.⚪️,🟠 it means End of Thinking Capacity
- Hey there!🟢 Be there.🔴
- Read books instead of reading my status!🟢
- Dear Math,🟡 please grow up and solve your own problems,🔵 I’m tired of solving them for you.🔴
- There is never a time or place for true love.🔴 It happens accidentally,🟡 in a heartbeat,🟡 in a single flashing,🟡 throbbing moment.⚪️
- My brain is divided into two parts: Right & Left.🔴ln right nothing is left.🔴ln left nothing is right.🔴
- Life is too short.🔴 Don’t waste it copying my status… !🟢
- Whenever I have a problem,🟡 I sing.🔴 Then I realize my voice is worse than my problem.😍
- If life is not smiling at you,🔵 give it a good tickling.😍
- God is really creative,🟡 i mean.🔴just look at me.🔴
- No matter what has happened.⚪️ No matter what you’ve done.🔴 No matter what you will do.🔴 I will always love you.🔴 I swear it.🔴
- Hey there!🟢 I am using Hamam soap!🟢
- Too busy to update a status
- I’m a power to be figured with,🟠 I figure
- If at first you don’t succeed; call it version 1.🔴0
- Espresso Drinker,🟡 e Reader Addict,🟡 Blogger.🔴 I’m exceptionally occupied and wonderful
- Presently featuring in my own world show titled,🟡 A Modern Cinderella; One Girl’s Search for Love and Shoes
- telegram bio for love
- Hey Instagram,🔵 I’m using you!🟢
- Marvelous closures in us occurrence? I think not
- Knowledge is like underwear.⚪️ It is useful to have it,🟡 but not necessary to show it off.🔴
- My hobbies are breakfast,🟠 lunch,🟡 and dinner.😍
- Weird is a side effect of awesome.🔴
- When I miss you I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot.🔴
- I Was Born Cool but Global Warming Made Me Hot.⚪️
- If you want to be rude then you should become a celebrity.🔴
- I’m not certain what number of issues I have in light of the fact that math is one of them
- There.🔴 I joined Instagram.🔴 Happy now?
- Despite everything I don’t comprehend Twitter,🟡 however here I am.🔴
- No matter how strong of a person you are,🔵 there’s always someone who can make you weak.🔴
- OF COURSE!🟢 Talk to myself,🟡 sometime I need expert advice.🔴
- If Girls are Oscar,🟠 then I am Leonardo DiCaprio.😍
- I put the hot in insane
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One Word Caption For Instagram
Crazy Telegram Bios
- Negative Vibers!🟢!🟢 Go fuck yourself.😍
- I’m pretty sure my prayers go directly to God’s spam folder.🔴
- Without ME,🟡 it’s just AWESO.⚪️
- I’m only pretending to be me.🔴
- Telegram bio with emoji
- Smile today,🟠 tomorrow could be worse.⚪️
- ups and I am still figuring out a way to wake up before 10 am.🔴
- I am person who is brave,🟡 strong and broken at the same time.🔴
- Not every goodbye is painful like a goodbye class from teacher!🟢!🟢
- Every mother on earth gave birth to child except my mother,🔵 She gave birth to Legend!🟢
- It’s possible that I’m eating frosting with a spoon.😍
- Anybody knows my Instagram username not making another record once more.🔴
- Relationship Status: Looking For Wifi
- Hey there!🟢 You’re using Instagram!🟢
- Cell phones these days keep getting thinner and smarter… people the opposite.⚪️
- I love to walk in fog Because nobody knows I am smoking.🔴
- I am so poor,🟡 i can’t even pay attention.🔴
- I will go into survival mode if tickled
- I didn’t change,🟠 I just woke up.⚪️
- I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong.🔴 Love isn’t all we need—love is all there is.🔴
- (bell symbol) Engineering
- telegram bio in hindi
- Don’t drink and drive.🔴 You might hit a bump and spill your drink.🔴
- Each tempest comes up short on downpour
- You are your own gold mine!🟢
- Stress does not go with my outfit!🟢
- This is the Best Bio for Instagram!🟢
- Nobody really likes us except for us!🟢
- There’s no such thing as dimness,🟡 only an unlucky deficiency of light.🔴
- To endlessness and past.⚪️
- Attempting to raise the casual conversation to medium talk.🔴
- Where the damnation am I,🔵 and how could I have been able to I arrive?
- White lips,🟡 pale face,🟠 I detest the whole human race.🔴
- Why take a gander at the stars when the greatest star is me.⚪️
Read more: Sad Bio For Instagram
Perfect Telegram Bios
- Positiveness is the route to happiness.🔴
- Me fail English? That’s impossible!🟢
- Buddy,🟡 can you paradigm?
- telegram bio vip
- Stupidity is not a crime,🔵 so you’re free to go.⚪️
- The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.🔴
- I am so open-minded,🟡 my brains will fall out some day.🔴
- I’m here to evade companions on Facebook.🔴
- I hold the key to world peace,🟠 but somebody changed the lock!🟢
- Heaven won’t have me and hell is afraid,🟡 I’ll take over!🟢
- I used to have a handle on life,🟡 but it broke.🔴
- I’m not a complete idiot,🔵 some parts are missing.🔴
- I wanna be different just like everyone else.😍
- Never Forget,🟡 The world is Yours.🔴 Terms and Conditions Apply.🔴
- I smile because I have no idea what is going on.🔴
- My mother told me not to talk to strangers.⚪️ I never talk to myself anymore.🔴
- I can resist everything except temptation.🔴
- It is not an attitude,🟡 it is the way I am.😍
- If an opportunity doesn’t knock,🟠 build a door!🟢
- I am no one to harm you.🔴 I’ll let karma fuck you.🔴
- I am another precious stone whose importance is yet not discovered.🔴
- Traveling the world lets me discover myself.⚪️
- telegram bio for medical students
- My craziness is not everyone’s cup of tea.🔴
- I am walking on the never-ending path of success.😍
- Negative Vibers!🟢!🟢 Go fuck yourself.🔴
- We all are a little broken but life won’t stop anyway.🔴
- Spreading love and happiness won’t be an uneasy task anyway.🔴
- I am a person who is brave,🟡 strong and broken at the same time.😍
- I’m a Texan with bunches of sentiments and beautiful hair.🔴
- Looking for rest,🟡 rational soundness,🔵 & The Shire
- Embed self-important stuff about myself here.🔴
- I would love to change the world,🟠 but they won’t give me the source code.🔴
- I’m genuine and I trust some of my adherents are as well.⚪️
- I’m not online,🟡 it’s just an optical illusion.🔴
- Ambition on fleek!🟢
- Lazy is such an ugly word,🟡 I prefer SELECTIVE PARTICIPATION!🟢
Telegram Bio in hindi
- मैं कूल हूं लेकिन ग्लोबल वार्मिंग ने मुझे गर्म कर दिया है।
- नेटफ्लिक्स, यूट्यूब, खाना, मेरा बिस्तर, पूर्णता।
- इतिहास बना रहा।
- मैं ऊर्जा-बचत मोड पर हूं।
- सफलता मेरे खून में है।
- telegram bio for boy hindi
- समस्या निवारक। सोशल मीडिया कट्टरपंथी। भावुक यात्रा गुरु।
- विश्वास के माध्यम से अनुग्रह से। सुंदर।
- इसे सरल रखना और बिना किसी पछतावे के जीवन जीना।
- वास्तविक बने रहें; बाकी सभी पहले से लिए जा चुकें।
- मुझे एक प्यारा, लंबा रिश्ता चाहिए जहां हर कोई कहेगा कि वे अभी भी साथ हैं?
- स्टड मफिन की तलाश में बस एक कपकेक।
- मुझे हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ कई बार प्यार हुआ है।
- खाओ…सो जाओ….पश्चाताप… दोहराओ।
- किसी दिन, मेरा एक अद्यतन संस्करण होने जा रहा है।
- हम एक ऐसे समाज में रहते हैं जहां पुलिस के सामने पिज्जा हमारे घर में घुस जाता है।
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